ems 2023-02-25T23:18:44+00:00


EMSZERO is noninvasive body-sculpting procedure that builds muscle and burns fat. It delivers high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy (HIFEM) pulses into the muscle tissue, creating supramaximal muscle contractions that activate more muscle fibers than what you can achieve through exercise alone.
This nonsurgical treatment can tighten, tone, and strengthen the large muscle groups of the abdomen and buttocks as well as of smaller body areas, including the upper arms, thighs, and calves. The result is increased muscle definition and reduced circumference. It is an intense “workout.

Frequently asked questions

Am I A Candidate?

Anyone can benefit from the EMSZERO procedure. Ask your provider for more details.

What Is The Treatment Time?

20-30 minute treatment .scheduled 2-3 days apart. Your provider will help you create a treatment plan tailored to your specific goals.

What Does It Feel Like?
The EMSZERO procedure feels like an intensive workout. You can lie down and relax during the treatment.

Is There Any Downtime? Any Pre/Post Treatment Preparation?
The EMSZERO is non-invasive and requires no recovery time or any pre/post treatment preparation.

How Fast Will I See Results?

You begin to feel tangible results right after the treatment. Positive results are usually reported two to four weeks after the last session and continue to improve for several weeks following the treatments.