Physiotherapy 2023-03-28T08:31:50+00:00


Physiotherapy helps to encourage, develop and facilitate economy, enable people to perform their daily activities and helping them remain independent as long as possible.

Physiotherapists at SBF use their knowledge and skills to improve various conditions associated with different systems of Human body.

Such as:-

  1. Neurological : (Parkinson’s , Stroke)
  2. Orthopedic : (Fracture , Soft tissue injury , Slip disc)
  3. Pediatric : (Rehabilitation for conditions like cerebral palsy , foot deformities)
  4. Respiratory : ( COPD , Asthma)

  1. Reduce or Eliminate Pain: – Therapeutic exercises and Manual therapy techniques like soft tissue mobilization or electrical modalities like U.S, Interferential therapy and muscle stimulation.
  2. Avoid Surgery: – If physical therapy helps you eliminate pain or heal from an injury, surgery may not be needed or can be delayed. Any patient going for surgery post physio rehabilitation will recover fast from the surgery.
  1. Manage Age related and degenerative diseases like osteoarthritis, Spondylo arthritis etc.
  2. Recover from sports injuries like Tennis Elbow, Golfer’s Elbow, Ligament injuries etc.
  3. Improve Mobility: – Stretching and strengthening exercise helps restore your ability to move. By customizing an individual care plan, whatever activity that is important to individual’s life can be practiced and adapted to ensure maximal performance and safety.
  4. Improve your balance and prevent falls especially in elderly patients. Exercise help to improve coordination. Some specific maneuver can be used to restore proper vestibular functioning and help eliminate symptoms of dizziness and vertigo.
  5. Women Health and fitness- SBF physiotherapists can provide specialized management of issues related to women’s health like pelvic pain, urinary incontinence and pre & post-partum rehabilitation.